"Hidup bagai sebuah mercusuar. Tempat dimana kita dapat melihat keindahan laut lepas, namun juga tempat jika sekali saja kita terjerembab, akan menjatuhkan kita dari puncak."

Minggu, 15 November 2009

Linux Distribution

Distro Linux is a technical term to operational system of computer and its aplications.
Linux distribution can concerete of free software and comercial software such as Red Hat Enterprise, SuSE, etc.

Now, many distro Linux are appear. Several of them can hardy, and then produce a generation. Sample of its generation is Debian Distro GNU/Linux.

Difference of all distribution:
1. Installation

Each distribution use metod for their installation.

some popular distribution use graphis modus for installation, such as Red Hat, Caldera, Open Linux, Corel Linux, Winlinux.

2. Aplication

All programme in Linux (usually called packed) are very much, now. And each distribution give alternative packet which can be met in every distribution.

3. Grating Programme

Almost in every distribution have grating programme to easy the consumen. Example: Red Hat include RedHat Package Manager (RPM), SuSE include YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) and SaX (SuSE advanced X-Configuration), Slackware include pkgtool packed.


What is computer??

Computer is a groupof electronic utensils. It's formed from millions component that can do together and make a work system

The concept of hardware-software-brainwareis a tri-single concept that can't be separated from each other. For the first stage, people must enter the program into the computer first. After that, the new computer can work to help people in solving problems or work.


Characteristic of computer

Based on the data processed
  • Computer Analog
  • Computer Digital
  • Hybrid Computer
Based on the usage
  • Computer for specific objectives (spesial purpose computer)
  • Computer for general purpose (general purpose computer)
Based on the capacity and size
  • Micro Computer
  • Mini Computer
  • Small Computer
  • Medium Computer
  • Large Computer
  • Super Computer
Based on the generation
  • First generation computer (1946-1959)
  • Second generation computer (1959-1964)
  • Third generation computer (1964-1970)
  • Fourth generation computer (1979-present)
  • Fifth generation computer
